Journey to your Future Self

A Meditation Workshop with Peter Oppermann


In this guided meditation we are leaving linear time and engage in an inner dialogue with your 'Future Self', the part of yourself which already has access to your future state. This can be helpful if you're working on a creative project or are calling in more desirable circumstances at work or in your personal life. You will be able to ask questions relevant to the outcome of your project and learn about the 'Secret Sauce' of your success. Walk away with less anxiety and greater clarity about what the future may hold for you and which inspired action you can take right now.


How does it work?

In Future Self Meditations, you actually meet your Future Self and experience the emotions of a tangible 3-D vision of being your Future Self whose dreams have already come true. It’s like walking through a vivid virtual reality world in which you have already achieved all that you dreamed of. You can see and feel what it’s like to have your vision fulfilled! You can ask your Future Self any question and receive an answer from a place of deep inner knowing. You come back with a ‘treasure map’ on how to get to any future point. You will understand how to get there, what obstacles are in the way and how to overcome them.


Your answers come from a deep inner peace of knowing versus the conditioned thinking mind, which is often influenced and manipulated by outside voices. You'll receive a clear tangible and emotional experience - seeing what your Future Self sees, having what your Future Self sees, having what it has, doing what it does. This accelerates your current reality to help you become closer to embodying your Future Self.


Peter Oppermann is passionate about supporting people who are interested in genuine personal transformation and who are dedicated to making this world a better place.


Peter has practiced meditation for over 20 years and studied with some of the most renowned meditation teachers in the US and Asia, such as Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Lama Surya Das and Geshe Michael Roach. Peter has also been an entrepreneur for 20 years and founder of a non-profit organization in The Bronx, NY training ex-convicts in mindfulness and job skills. Peter works now as a certified Awakening Coach trained by Arjuna Ardagh and guides individuals and groups to a place of pure presence and inspiration.

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During the Future Self Meditation you will

·    Connect with yourself on a soul level

·    Listen deeply and trust your inner knowing

·    Have a clear vision of your greatest potential

·    Understand exactly how to get there and overcome any obstacles in your way