
Meditative Art Creation 2

Colours of Music


July 1-2, 2017

St. Petersburg, Russia


We are always looking for new ways to embody meditation art and to help people experience pure and uplifting emotions that arise out of regular meditation practice. Our fresh ideas were implemented during Meditative Art Creation 2 – a new edition of our extraordinary art retreat.


Painting Music


In St. Petersburg, we brought together over 20 outstanding musicians and painters and asked them to pour their hearts into collaborative pieces of art. Artists were painting sounds, musicians were playing colors… All of us were meditating and trying to feel that which is beyond music, beyond forms, and colors.


By the end of five hours of art meditation, almost all “personal contributions” were erased from the collaborative artwork – a large round canvas. All dividing lines between people, between sounds and images have disappeared, and with them many of our notions and preconceptions.


Who has drawn the eye? Who is the author of this cat? It feels as if a single person was painting through so many hands.


When meditative music and meditative painting merge, artists become only vehicles of some higher power, which creates through them. And the process is truly healing both for those, who participate in it and those who watch it.


Places of Power


On the second day of the art retreat, we asked our participants to tell us about their "places of power", where they can go mentally or physically to find an inexhaustible source of inspiration and energy. After everyone shared his or her story, we started our collaboration: on a large canvas each artist expressed this intimate and precious experience in a very unique way. We did not just paint the places of power – we infused the canvas with the energy of these beautiful sites, so that everyone, who sees them, feels uplifted and inspired you take his own pilgrimage to the place dearest to his heart.


In the end, it became crystal clear that creativity can be tremendously enhanced by meditation. If you are a painter, a musician, a writer, you can create your art in a serene, meditative, compassionate state of mind, with a sincere wish that whoever sees your work gains strength to overcome all obstacles in life. Then all your work will be a meditation, a prayer, and will count towards making this world a better place.

