Ola Hikari,St. Petersburg, RussiaLimassol, Cyprus

Ola Hikari,
St. Petersburg, Russia
Limassol, Cyprus


Welcome to my World



Ola Hikari is a Russian born painter living in St. Petersburg, Russia, and Limassol, Cyprus.  In her art, Ola expressed the concept of of Metta which in Pali means loving-kindness towards all beings. She draws her inspiration from a decade long meditation practice in major centers of yoga and Buddhism.






Ola Hikari is an accomplished artist and a long-time meditator, but according to her the turning point of her artistic career was a trip to a Buddhist monastery in Chiangmai, Thailand. On a meditation retreat, she received beautiful advice form a nun, which completely shifted her outlook.




Ola was told by this older nun, “Take all your fears and sufferings and… just love them! And you will see how the inner light will transform anything to the pure beauty. Bring that beauty to the world.”  Thus Ola’s love for all beings and her love for both inner and outer beauty is combined and transferred into her beautiful and touching works of art.



Me at work